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SFB 1252: Project A01


This collection contains the archival data of the project "Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (A01)", which is a part of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 1252): Prominence in Language. In phase I, the project investigated the prominence-lending function of prosody, in particular its contribution to attention orienting. Prominence ratings and electrophysiological measurements during the perception of different accent types were collected. The project further investigated the production and perception of prosodic prominence in relation to the depth of information processing as a function of language-specific expectations on focal and post-focal material. Two languages, Italian and German, were compared, which reportedly assign different levels of prominence postfocally. In phase II, the project is concerned with the role of pitch rises in attention orienting, focusing on (i) the position of a pitch rise in relation to prosodic structure, (ii) the rise trajectory, and (iii) the role of the rise within a larger domain. Electrophysiological and eye-tracking studies, prominence ratings, working memory tasks and acoustic analyses of production data shed light on the cognitive and functional contribution of rises to prominence. Analyses cover data from German, Maltese and Maltese-English. For a brief introduction to the project, see

Core team

  • Project Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (A01)

Project Information

Project title: Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates
Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Grant ID:

Cite as

Project Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (A01) 2023. Archival data of the project: Intonation and attention orienting: Neurophysiological and behavioural correlates (2017-2023). Data Center for the Humanities.

Archive Information

Date of the archival: 2023-11-08
Size of the package: 48 GB
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) -

Data formats

  • Application: xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, docx, eps, xlsm, eeg, vmrk, fif, npy, bit, dll, inf, sys, exe, bmp, zip, md, json
  • Audio: wav, mp3
  • Image: tiff, png, jpg
  • Text: r, csv, praat, xml, textgrid, rmd, txt, rproj, py, vhdr, sce, log, html, exp, cat, vrs
  • Video: mp4
  • Other: intensitytier, pitch, pitchtier, smooth, hesp, rdata, rwksp, local, isu