SFB 1252: Project B06
The proposed project seeks to examine links between attentional processes and linguistic prominence by investigating effects of visual attention on language production. In particular, the goals are: (i) to test the extent to which attention-orienting may affect the choice of grammatical structure in German, (ii) to examine whether and which prominence-lending features of agentivity and animacy (e.g. control, sentience, etc.) interact with attention, (iii) to investigate the developmental trajectory of the attention-language interface.
For a brief introduction to the project, see http://sfb1252.uni-koeln.de/b06.html.
Core team
- Project Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition (B06)
Project Information
Project title: Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition
Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Grant ID: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/328192045
Cite as
Project Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition (B06) 2024. B06 - Attention and prominence in language production and acquisition - CRC1252 (Prominence in Language). Data Center for the Humanities. https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000036
Archive Information
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000036
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) - infodch.uni-koeln.de
Second Delivery
Date of the archival: 2024-08-14
Size of the package: 104.75 GB
Data formats
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First Delivery
Date of the archival: 2023-11-14
Size of the package: 99 GB
Data formats
- Application: docx, xlsx, pdf, pptx, zip, xls, js, gz, tex, xlsm, md, lnk, dat
- Audio: m4a, mp3, wav, m3u
- Image: png, jpeg, jpg, tif, tiff
- Text: r, csv, txt, textgrid, rmd, rproj, log, html, css
- Video: webm, mp4
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