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SFB 1252: Project A03


This collection contains the archival data of the project "Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective(A03)", which is a part of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 1252): Prominence in Language. In phase I, the basic goal of the project was to contribute to a better understanding of the nature of prosodic prominence by asking how languages differ with regard to the phonological organization of prosodic prominence-lending properties. The main concern was with so-called phrase accents, i.e. pitch changes which are not anchored to metrically strong syllables, but to the boundary of prosodic units. In phase II, the basic goal of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of the nature of prosodic prominence by asking how languages differ with regard to its phonetic properties and phonological organization. The core phenomena investigated are those dealt with under the labels stress and accent. Empirical work in this project concentrates on Austronesian and Papuan languages of Indonesia, where a broad range of prosodic systems is found. For a brief introduction to the project, see

Core team

  • Project Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective (A03)

Project Information

Project title: Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective
Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Grant ID:

Cite as

Project Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective (A03) 2023. Archival data of the project: Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective (2017-2023). Data Center for the Humanities.

Archive Information

Date of the archival: 2023-11-10
Size of the package: 17 GB
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) -

Data formats

  • Application: xlsm, md, docx, xlsx, xls, pdf, pptx, rar, zip, doc, pyc, js, rtf, tex, eps
  • Audio: wav, mp3
  • Image: png, jpg, ico
  • Text: csv, rds, textgrid, r, txt, praat, rmd, rproj, py, html, css, rst, xml
  • Video: mp4
  • Other: osexp, intensitytier, pitch, pitchtier, cgi, ogg