zum Inhalt springen

Example of a Bag-It file

Source-Organization: [Name of the organization where the resource was created]

Contact-Name: [Name of person who is responsible for the archiving process]

Contact-Email: [info-dch@uni-koeln.de]

Bagging-Date: [Creation date of BagIt]

Bag-Size: [Size of the BagIt]

Payload-Oxum: [octetstream sum]

External-Identifier: [XXX]

Bag-Group-Identifier: [XXX]

Internal-Sender-Identifier: [XXX]

Example of a README.md file (private/public)

# [Name of the project]

## Project

[Describe the source project in one or two sentences

Describe which people/groups worked on this project/data]

### Core Team

[List the main people that worked on the project and their roles/responsibilities]

### Contact

[contact information of core team, e.g., names and e-mail addresses]

## Data

[Describe what is in the data: which kind of data, who was it used

Describe when it was produced or collected; by whom

Describe when the data has been curated before the archival; by whom]

Example of required DataCite Metadata

# Title

[Title of the Project]

# Creators 

[List of people that created the data, inc. ORCID and affiliation]

# Publisher

[Data Center for the Humanities (DCH)]

# PublicationYear

[Year of publication]

# Subject

[Keywords to describe the data]

# ResourceType

[Type of resource]

# Version

[Version of the resource]

# Description

[Description of the project and the resurce/data]

Example of Receipt file (public)

# [Name of the project]

## Project

[Describe the source project in one or two sentences

Describe which people/groups worked on this project/data]

### Core Team

[List the main people that worked on the project and their roles/responsibilities]

## Citation 

[recommended citation style]

## Archive Information

[DOI of the Metadata: [DOI]

Date of the achival: [YYYY-MM-TT hh:mm] 

Size of the package: [Size]

Contact Name: Name of the person who was responsible fot the achiving process - info-dch@uni-koeln.de]
