SFB 1252: Project B03
This project analyzes the role of agent prominence in the initial phase of the development of Old Indic (Vedic Sanskrit) participial forms into main clause nuclei. We trace both present active participles and resultative ta-forms in their development from a very 'nominal' functional range into full-fledged main clause predicators. Our study involves data collection and annotation according to selected semantic and syntactic criteria targeted at the interplay of verb semantics and the role of A- and O-arguments.For a brief introduction to the project see https://sfb1252.uni-koeln.de/projekte/b03-agent-prominence-and-the-diachrony-of-predication-in-indo-aryan.
Core team
- Antje Casaretto
- Simon Fries
- Uta Reinöhl
- Gerrit Dimmendaal
- Thomas Laurs
Cite as
Casaretto, Antje, Simon Fries & Uta Reinöhl. 2021. Vedic Sanskrit prose interlinearized and GRAIDed. Data Center for the Humanities. https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000053
Archive Information
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000053
Date of the archival: 2022-01-04
Size of the package: 23.32 GB
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) - infodch.uni-koeln.de