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SFB 1252: Project B01


Project B01 examines the interaction of prominence-lending features in Slavic impersonal construc­tions: the Polish ‑no/‑to construction (mówiono ‘they said’), the reflexive impersonal (mówi się ‘they say’) and the 3pl impersonal (Russian govorjat ‘they say’). It is commonly agreed upon that these constructions imply a human subject. However, even so there are marked differences in acceptability with different verbs, which we assume to depend on features of agentivity stipulated by the semantics of the verb. In order to find out which agentivity features are relevant, we use corpus analyses, acceptability judgement tests and preference tests.

For a brief introduction to the project, see http://sfb1252.uni-koeln.de/b01.html.

Core team

  • Project Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages (B01)

Project Information

Project title: Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages
Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Grant ID: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/326934063

Cite as

Project Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages (B01) 2024. B01 - Prominence phenomena in Slavic languages - CRC1252 (Prominence in Language). Data Center for the Humanities. https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000033

Archive Information

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000033
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) -

Second Delivery

Date of the archival: 2024-08-14
Size: 13.97 MB

Data formats

  • Application: xlsm, md, xlsx, docx, pptx, pdf, ipynb, rtf, sh, cfg
  • Image: png
  • Text: csv, xml, r, txt
  • Other: xltx, awk

First Delivery

Date of the archival: 2023-11-10
Size of the package: 13.6 MB

Data formats

  • Application: xlsm, md, xlsx, pptx, docx, ipynb, pdf, rtf, sh, cfg
  • Image: png
  • Text: csv, xml, r, txt
  • Other: xltx, awk