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SCOPIC Corpus Kölsch


This collection contains a recording of the Family Problems Picture Task (San Roque et al. 2012) in Kölsch, the dialect variety of the Cologne area in Germany. The recording forms part of the SCOPIC Project (Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus, see https://scopicproject.wordpress.com/ as well as Barth & Evans 2017). The goal of SCOPIC is to collect corpus data that are at the same time naturalistic and matched across languages through the use of an interactive problem-solving task.


Barth, D., & Evans, N. (2017). SCOPIC design and overview. Language Documentation and Conservation Special Publication, 12, 1–21.

San Roque, L., Gawne, L., Hoenigman, D., Miller, J. C., Rumsey, A., Spronck, S., Carroll, A., & Evans, N. (2012). Getting the story straight: Language fieldwork using a narrative problem-solving task. Language Documentation and Conservation, 6, 135–174.


Cite as

Gipper, Sonja, Danielle Barth & Nicholas Evans 2023. SCOPIC Corpus Kölsch. Data Center for the Humanities. https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000021

Archive Information

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000021
Date of archiving: 2023-05-26
Size of archival package: 15 GB
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH)­ ­– info-dch@uni-koeln.de 

Data formats

Text: eaf
Audio: wav
Video: mp4, mts