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SFB 1252: Project C07


This collection contains the archival data of the project "Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora (C07)", which is a part of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 1252): Prominence in Language. In phase I, the project investigated the backward and forward-directed functions of referential expressions through behavioural measures and assessed the temporal dynamics of the underlying processes by means of event-related potentials. They also compared the interpretive preferences and forward potential of personal and demonstrative pronouns in German and studied how these discrete processes were influenced by potential prominence-lending cues, including thematic role (or its subfeatures), animacy, grammatical function and topicality. In phase II, project C07 investigates the fine-grained nature of prominence relations between referential expressions. It examines the interpretive preferences and the forward potential of different anaphoric expressions – with a particular focus on demonstratives – in contexts with more than two antecedents, using behavioural methods. It also assesses the temporal dynamics of the underlying processes by means of event-related potentials. It asks how backward and forward referential functions are influenced by potential prominence-lending cues from different linguistic levels (sentence, discourse and prosody). For a brief introduction to the project, see https://sfb1252.uni-koeln.de/projekte/c07-forward-and-backward-functions-of-discourse-anaphora.

Core team

  • Project Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora (C07)

Project Information

Project title: Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora

Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Grant ID: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/328293970

Cite as

Project Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora (C07) 2024. Archival data of the project: Forward and backward functions of discourse anaphora (2017-2023). Data Center for the Humanities. https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000047

Archive Information

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000047
Date of the archival: 2023-12-08
Size of the package: 32 GB
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) -

Data formats

  • Application: xlsm, md, rtf, pdf, xlsx, zip, docx, bak, eeg, vmrk, avr, cfg, dat, ps, sh, pl, ods, ser, json, tsv
  • Audio: ptk, wav, m4a, mp3
  • Image: png, jpeg
  • Text: csv, r, txt, xml, sce, log, exp, vhdr, cnt, tab, textgrid
  • Other: rda, dtd, mmax, xsl, rwksp, evt, rej, trg, n, fir, conllu