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SFB 1252: Project A03


The basic goal of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of the nature of prosodic prominence by asking how languages differ with regard to the phonological organization of prosodic prominence-lending properties. The main concern in the first phase is with so-called phrase accents, i.e. pitch changes which are not anchored to metrically strong syllables, but to the boundary of prosodic units. The project is concerned with a comprehensive account of the cross-linguistically variable phonetic and phonological properties such accents may have and their position in overall prosodic systems. In later stages, the project will also investigate lexical pitch accents from a cross-linguistic point of view. For a brief introduction to the project, see http://sfb1252.uni-koeln.de/a03.html.

Core team

  • Project Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective (A03)

Project Information

Project title: Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective
Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Grant ID: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/326838927

Cite as

Project Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective (A03) 2024. A03 - Prosodic prominence in cross-linguistic perspective - CRC1252 (Prominence in Language). Data Center for the Humanities. https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000030

Archive Information

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18716/dch/a.00000030
Contact Name: Felix Rau (DCH) -

Second Delivery

Date of the archival: 2024-08-13
Size of the package: 17,47 GB

Data formats

  • Application: xlsm, md, docx, xlsx, xls, pdf, pptx, rar, zip, doc, pyc, js, rtf, tex, eps
  • Audio: wav, mp3
  • Image: png, jpg, ico
  • Text: csv, txt, textgrid, r, praat, rmd, rproj, py, html, css, rst, xml
  • Video: mp4
  • Other: osexp, NA, intensitytier, pitch, pitchtier, cgi, ogg

First Delivery

Date of the archival: 2023-11-10
Size of the package: 17 GB

Data formats

  • Application: xlsm, md, docx, xlsx, xls, pdf, pptx, rar, zip, doc, pyc, js, rtf, tex, eps
  • Audio: wav, mp3
  • Image: png, jpg, ico
  • Text: csv, rds, textgrid, r, txt, praat, rmd, rproj, py, html, css, rst, xml
  • Video: mp4
  • Other: osexp, intensitytier, pitch, pitchtier, cgi, ogg