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A Documentation of Onko/Yoruba Traditional Communication Media


The recordings in this collection were collected in Otu, Saki, Oje Owode, and Ago Amodu, which ar towns located in the Onko-speaking Oke Region of Oyo State, Nigeria. The Town Crier data were collected in Erin Osun, which is outside the Oke Ogun region in Osun State, Nigeria. They are interviews with people who still practise traditional means of communication.

Core team

Wale Ogunyale (ORCID)

Cite as

Ogunyale, Wale 2024. A Documentation of Onko/Yoruba Traditional Communication Media. Data Center for the Humanities.

Additional Information

Languages: Onko Yoruba (yor, onko1235), Yoruba (yor, yoru1245)
